Name: Keiko
Breed: Japanese Spitz
Birthday: 18 December
Age: 3
Where in the World would we mostly find you? Melbourne, Australia
What is Keiko’s motto in life:
Just Smile…. you’ll get away with anything!

I admit I am completely biased in making this claim that Keiko is the World’s Most Adorable Dog (although there is some photographic evidence in support of my claim if you look below 🙂 ). Maybe it would be more accurate to say ‘the most adorable dog in my world’!
How did we know Keiko was the one for us?
We decided on getting a dog not long after we’d returned from a holiday to Spitzbergen. As we were researching breeds we came across one breed – the Japanese Spitz – that looked just like the Arctic Foxes that we’d found so adorable whilst we were on this holiday. Fortunately (because I had completely fallen for their good looks) their temperament, characteristics and personality seemed exactly perfect for our lifestyle. We knew Keiko was the one for us because he had the biggest smile in the first photo we saw of him – he looked so happy and so perfect for a photographer that we just knew he was our puppy!
How did we choose his name?
Keiko is Japanese for ‘adored’ which we just knew was going to be absolutely fitting for him! We also had a tradition of naming our pets with names starting with ‘K’ so that made this name beyond perfect! (We’ve now actually broken this ‘K’ traditional with our latest adoption of our rescue cat named Mr Magoo, we couldn’t change that as it was so fitting for him!)

Does Keiko have any nicknames? And how did they come about?
Keeks, Fluff Monster, Fluff Hound, Fluff Nutt (one inherited this from my young cousin!), Keek Monster. You’ll notice a trend here! Keiko is a fluffy dog and we live in a constant supply of soft white fluff!
What is quality pup-human time is for us?
We love our daily walkies – it’s our quality time together and always a wonderful break from whatever else is going on. I love that when we are walking along Keiko will often look back at me, doggie smile on his face – he loves getting out and about. If I’m walking Keiko by myself, I also find that it calms me and gives me clarity for what’s ahead.
Where are our favourite places to visit with Keiko?
We absolutely LOVE taking Keiko away with us. We love sharing the experience with him and that we slow down and take more in by walking about with him while we’re there. Our favourite place so far has definitely been taking Keiko to the snow. It was incredible to watch him race experience the sensations of something so different – to watch him race around, jumping half covered logs, digging to see what was beneath the white stuff and trying to chase down an exploded snowball! And when all that’s done – snuggles in front of the fire! This will also be the reason that you’ll see quite a few photos of Keiko at the snow on Puppy Tales!

What has Keiko taught us about life and work?
Absolute love of dogs! Keiko was the motivation for me to specialise in pet photography. In being Keiko’s human and in working with pets everyday, I’ve learnt patience and I’ve been blessed with happiness.
What is special about Keiko?
Everything really! Biased pet parent aside, Keiko may not be perfectly trained but he’s a pretty awesome photo model. He has grown up with me photographing his every cuteness, cheekiness and new adventure. As long as there are rewards for his efforts (treats or cuddles), Keiko is great at posing for a photo. I’m going to have an incredible collection of photos.