It seems only fitting to start with a tale…

It’s quiet and I’m tucked up in bed with hubby, Sam. Our dogs, Keiko and Summer are snuggled tight in the crook of my knee. The unfamiliar light wakes me; a strange blueness glowing through the window. Suddenly, I’m awake, remembering where we are. I leap out of bed and gaze out the window to find the world transformed into a magical snow-white scene.
The snow fell silently overnight, blanketing trees, making uneven ground even. Crisp. Sparkling. Bright. Inviting us to leave paw prints on this new pristine world. Now I’m like a child waking on Christmas morning, smiling to myself with excitement and anticipation. Impatient to head out for adventure.
The dogs pick up on this eagerness, and dance around our ankles. We dress hastily, pulling on each layer until our limbs are plump with clothing for warmth. I grab the dogs’ leads, my camera and we set off into the beautiful, welcoming winter wonderland.
There’s no one else about. This white world is our playground, and ours alone. The dogs race around. Running, digging, sniffing, discovering the snow with all their senses… even taste. Summer barks and dances, she wants me to throw snowballs. Keiko digs…and digs…discovering his rhythm as he goes…. he’s trying to find out what’s under the snow. I watch, smiling and when the time just right, raise the camera and record that moment.
These days are memories I’ll cherish. In time when the memories fade, I’ll have the photos to remind me. Moments like this are so precious. They are what inspires me to help make them happen for other people and their dogs.
For me, this is my most paw-fect of mornings. And it illuminates the three things that matters most: Dogs, Photography & Travel.
At the Heart of Puppy Tales: Dogs, Photography, Travel

The Magic of Dogs
People adore their dogs, indeed, many are completely besotted by them. I’m sure I won’t be the only dog lover who’s been labeled ‘crazy’ because of their obsession. But for those of us that are a ‘Crazy Dog Lover’ it’s a badge we wear with pride.
When it comes to being a pet parent: My dogs get the lion’s share of the bed, determine where we go on holiday, and with a wag of a tail brighten any day. The thing is, they enrich our lives beyond measure. Plain and simple.
My Pack include an adorable white fluffball called Keiko (a Japanese Spitz), my sweet girl Summer (a Border Collie), and their ‘step-sister’ Rosie (also a Border Collie).
Like you, I want my dogs to have amazing lives so I can look back knowing they’ve enjoyed it to the fullest. I want to do the very best for them that I can – something that’s hard when they can’t tell us in words what they need.
This is what the Puppy Tales website is about: ideas, inspiration, articles, information, and practical tips for making the most of life with your fur-family. Our aim is to make Puppy Tales a place your dog will thank you for visiting!

The Love of Dog Photography
My second love, as you might guess of a professional dog photographer, is photography. Why do I choose dogs as my models? The same reason you reach for you phone to capture every adorable thing your dog does. It’s a L-O-V-E thing.
I’m a dog lover who takes photographs. It’s that empathy (and obsession) that makes all the difference.
I crave that others see the unconditional love dogs offer us. My aim is to record that special ‘something’ that makes each dog unique – from a furry, furrowed brow to ‘sitting with attitude’ to their crazy bounding through long grass! I create beautiful photographic artworks from those wagging tails. And I record all those precious details of what makes our fur-friends special to us and what makes them happiest.
I feel compelled to work with dogs. I certainly can’t think of a better way of spending time than with a gorgeous goofy dog; laughing at their love of life, their sense of fun and mischievous antics. Taking a great photograph is about thinking like a dog and connecting with their soul. Photographing dogs is a joy, an honour, and something that would make my tail wag (if I had one!) all day long.

Travelling & Adventures with Dogs
You know that feeling when you see a beautiful sunset and wish your nearest and dearest were there to share it? Or when you visit a wide sandy beach and feel a little sad because you know how much your dog would adore running across it…
Well, when Sam (hubby) and I travel we always try do so with Keiko & Summer. Precisely because sharing in their pleasure adds to our joy of the travel experience. It also makes us creative about where we head and what we do. The idea of visiting the snow was because we wanted Keiko to experience it. And if you think a snow dog retreat is an experience you’d love to do with your dog, check them out here – they’re as absolutely pawsome as you think!
Is travelling more with your dog something you dream of doing? We share our travels and adventures to help you can plan the perfect trip with your pup or to create an exciting bucket list to achieve together. On Puppy Tales you’ll discover fabulous dog friendly destinations & dog inclusion activities.

Happy Dogs, Happy People
We’re passionate about the connection between people and dogs. And connecting dog lovers with another. Our mission is to inspire people to make the most of their lives with their dog/s by their side & strengthen those bonds. We want to help you create INCREDIBLE MEMORIES WITH YOUR DOG. Puppy Tales is a place to indulge your inner dogginess, celebrate the canine kind, and relax with the like-minded. Be it through magical photography, adorable doggy tales, inspiring blog posts, informative articles, or event news, we’ll give you something to bark about. And in the meantime, if you’d like to catch up with us in real time:- Puppy Tales Community
- Puppy Tales Photography
- Dog Tales of Australia on Facebook
- Beyond the Backyard – Our Facebook Group