Red the Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo ~ Project Dogalogue™

Dog: Red
Nicknames: Reddy Red Dog, Fred, Boofer
Breed: Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo
Age: 3 years
Human: Mel
His Motto in Life: Just keep swimming

Red, the Ridgeback cross Kelpie cross Dingo, was photographed by dog photographer Kerry Martin for Project Dogalogue.

Describe Red’s breed paw-sonality? What makes him so special?

Red is a delight. He’s just a goofy, silly, funny ball of hairy goodness. He’s a sweet, sensitive, funny boy who just loves to hang with his people and hassle his much older sister. He has so much character. He also has the fabulous ridge of the ridgeback breed.

Is this the first time you’ve had a Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo or do you have a longer history with the breed?

I have had Kelpies and rescues before Red.

A photo of Red, the Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo. He was photographed in the Puppy Tales Studio based in Melbourne by a dog photographer Kerry Martin.

What’s your first memory of Red?

I brought him to Melbourne from Cairns purely based on what I’d read his rescue profile (sight unseen) and after with interviews from his foster carer. After traveling in a big, cold, noisy plane, it was so nice to go into a comfy car with a blanket and some friendly faces! Then I met my new sister, and that was the best (even if my energetic greeting stressed her out a bit). His rescue name was Reginald / Reggie, and I didn’t love it so Red it became. He’s gone from an unwanted stray to an adventure dog who goes everywhere and does everything. From 4×4-ing to beach holidays, dinner dates, you name it he does it.

What’s life like with a Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo?

Full of adventures! We go everywhere together. Camping last weekend he took a liking to eat the ants – not the bull ants thankfully – but he made a game of waiting for the ants to climb up his legs, then would eat them off. Strange beast! He makes me laugh 1000 times a day.

Red, the Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo posing on top of a brown chair, on wooden wall background. He was photographed by Kerry Martin, a dog photographer of Puppy Tales Photography based in Melbourne.

What was different from your expectations of a Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo, once you had Red?

He’s a lot more sensitive than his breeds would suggest.

Is Red like most other Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo, or does he have some unique traits?

He’s got less endurance than a proper kelpie, after a few days camping he’s exhausted and needs two days of bed (favourites chair) rest. He LOVES his swimming though. He used to be a scaredy-cat of the water but one day decided he was a fish. Throw a stick or ball and he’ll be there all day.

Red, the Ridgeback cross Kelpie cross Dingo headshot on a grey background in the Puppy Tales Melbourne studio for Project Dogalogue.

What do you love most about being a pet parent to a Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo?

He’s a clown. I love everything about him. Including the fact that he always toilets in the same place – just so reliable.

What’s not so paw-fect about a Ridgeback x Kelpie x Dingo?

Little bit barky, but other than that he’s fab!

Composite photo of Red, the Ridgeback cross Kelpie cross Dingo by Kerry Martin, a dog photographer. This playful mixed breed dog was photographed at the Puppy Tales Studio on a grey background.

What things should others be aware of before getting a rescue?

Good foundations and trust-building are critical for rescues, and also for any dog – understanding what motivates them and how best to tailor training to their personality.

Red, the Ridgeback cross Kelpie cross Dingo posing on grey background for his studio pet photography session for Project Dogalogue.

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