Mojo the Tervuren Belgian Shepherd ~ Project Dogalogue™

Dog: Mojo
Breed: Tervuren Belgian Shepherd
Age: 7 years
Human: Louise Robertson
His Motto in Life: Life is a Party

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Describe Mojo’s breed paw-sonality? What makes him so special?

Belgian Shepherds are happy, high energy dogs. They pretty think life is one big party. They love being active and also having their mind stimulated, however they can also impersonate sloths and sleep soundly upside down. They are intelligent and are switched on to their owners’ moods and routine. They will take all the love they can get and are super sensitive.

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Is this the first time you’ve had a Belgian Shepherd or do you have a longer history with the breed?

Eski is my first Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael), Mojo the second & a Tervuren Belgian Shepherd. I’ll always have one now.

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What’s life like with a Belgian Shepherd?

Life is busy! They keep me active and motivated. They are a big commitment but they are totally worth every second. They must be with their family all the time so privacy no longer exists with my 2 shadows around my home.

What was different from your expectations of a Belgian Shepherd, once you had one?

I didn’t expect them to totally run my life LOL!

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Is Mojo like most other Belgian Shepherds, or does he have some unique traits?

Mojo absolutely loves the water to the point of being obsessed, not all Belgians or dogs, in general, love the water as much. Many Belgians sleep on their backs with their legs in the air…but Mojo doesn’t – he tends to curl up very cat-like. Mojo also cuddles his teddy bear and sucks on its head and goes to sleep with it still in his mouth. He has a selection of soft toys and knows them by name-ChickChick, TedTed, Foxy and BunBun.

What do you love most about being a pet parent to a Belgian Shepherd?

Their happy faces, loyalty and love.

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What’s not so paw-fect about a Belgian Shepherd?

They can be timid and/or anxious and require careful management/training.

What things should others be aware of before getting your dog’s breed? Any advice, tips or suggestions for fellow parents of your dog’s breed?

Belgian Shepherds definitely need to be a big part of the family and involved in family activities.  They need good, sensitive training and socialisation. Exercise is a must as is mental stimulation. Life is and should be fun!

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What’s your first memory of Mojo?

Mojo was a rambunctious puppy and I was both excited and worried.  A new puppy is exciting, but first I had to introduce him to Eski who had been the “only furchild”. Mojo gets called Moj, Mr Mo, Mosey and BooBoo (from when he made boo boo’s as a pup).

Are there any events, communities or groups that are especially wonderful for Belgian Shepherds?

A group of Melbourne/Victorian Belgian Shepherd owners have created a Facebook Group called “Buddies with Belgian Shepherds-Melbourne area”. We try to coordinate get-togethers at the beach regularly.

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