Dog: Marley
Breed: Bernese Mountain Dog
Age: 3 years
Human: Katy
Her Motto in Life: Get all the pats

Describe Marley’s breed paw-sonality? What makes her so special?
They are eager to please, love of people, a bit goofy and stubborn.
Is this the first time you’ve had a Bernese Mountain Dog or do you have a longer history with the breed?
My partner wanted one since he was in primary school, I had never had a dog before. I was quickly convinced after meeting the breeder’s dogs when we visited the puppies.

What’s life like with a Bernese Mountain Dog?
Pretty relaxed most of the time. Marley loves going for a walk but is quite happy to hang out at home. She does like a lot of attention and will demand more when it stops.
What was different from your expectations of a Bernese Mountain Dog, once you had Marley?
I didn’t have too many expectations but I think there was a lot more fur than I could have imagined.
Is Marley like most other Bernese Mountain Dogs or does she have some unique traits?
I think Marley is similar to the breed, she might have a little more energy than most.
What do you love most about being a pet parent to a Bernese Mountain Dog?
She’s always so happy to see me and a great partner getting out for a walk (at least until she’s had enough).
What’s not so paw-fect about a Bernese Mountain Dog?
The fur, but it’s worth it of course.
What things should others be aware of before getting a Bernese Mountain Dog?
They grow, big and quickly so make sure to take advantage of the puppy times. Training, particularly to prevent a puppy pulling on a leash, is much easier when they’re small.
What’s your first memory of Marley and how did you feel?
Are there any events, communities or groups that are especially wonderful for Bernese Mountain Dog?
There is an annual Bernese Mountain Dog worldwide walk. All over the world, BMDs get together in different cities on the same weekend to walk. The one in Melbourne is organised by the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Victoria, they also do monthly walks for members.